Topic: EU projects

PREFORMA presented to SMEs and creative industries in Greece

Thanks to the Greek Film Centre, the first results of the PREFORMA project are being widely disseminated in Greece, highlighting in particular the opportunities offered by the project to the SMEs and to the cultural and creative industries. Continue reading

PREFORMA at the RICHES International Conference

PREFORMA poster and roll-up banner ware displayed in the poster session of the first international conference of RICHES project and booklets were distributed to the over 100 attendees. Continue reading

Dance & Somatic Practices Conference 2015

Ethics and Repair: Continuing Dialogues within Somatic Informed Practice and Philosophy Venue: Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry School of Art & Design, Coventry University The third international Dance and Somatic Practices Conference invites somatic practitioners, dance artists and scholars … Continue reading

Europeana Space poster at RICHES International Conference

Europeana Space posters have been presented at the International Conference “Cultural heritage- Recalibrating Relationships” organised by the RICHES project. The posters iarealso showcased in the Conference Digital Exhibition web page. Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays goes Belgian!

The second instance of All Our Yesterdays will take place from February 1 to March 15, 2015, in Campus Library Arenberg – Heverlee and Tweebronnen Library – Leuven (BE). Continue reading

New MoU signed between PREFORMA and NCDD

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the two projects for the promotion and presentation of the respective results aimed to foster access, preservation and usability in the long term of digital cultural and scientific information to support research, culture and society. Continue reading

“Shaping Europe”: Europeana 1914-1918 and Europeana 1989

WW1 and the fall of the Iron Curtain, two events that shaped the Europe we know today to be commemorated at the European Parliament in unique style. A family history roadshow, digitising personal memorabilia of MEPs for these two seminal periods of European history, is taking place in the Parliament. During the event, a Twitter campaign will highlight some of the most interesting stories of this historical period. Continue reading

IST-Africa 2015 Conference

Hosted by the Government of Malawi through the National Commission for Science and Technology, Supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission, IST-Africa 2015 will take place in Lilongwe from 05 – 08 May 2015. The scientific programme for IST-Africa 2015 is based on an open Call for Papers whose deadline is December 19th, 2014. Continue reading

Towards “Cooltura”, the TAG CLOUD platform and app

The TAG CLOUD project was launched to investigate how to enable cultural engagement by using cloud-based technologies that leverage adaptability and personalisation of created Cultural Heritage content, aiming at supporting deeper engagement and learning over time. Following a User-Cantered Design … Continue reading

Pisa was chosen as seat for the International Conference “Cultural Heritage: Recalibrating Relationships”. On occasion of the Italian presidency of the Council of the European Union, the international consortium RICHES chose Pisa as seat for its important conference, held at the Museum of Graphics of Palazzo Lanfranchi on 4-5 December 2014. The event was organised by RICHES Italian partner Promoter Srl with the support of: Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Tuscany Region, Municipality of Pisa, University of Pisa and Fondazione Sistema Toscana (“Tuscany System Foundation”). Continue reading