Tag: photography

AIPAI Photo Contest 2024

It’s now open the call for the 3rd edition of the AIPAI Photo Contest, the photography contest organized by the Italian Association for Industrial Archaeological Heritage ETS in collaboration with: DICEA – Sapienza University of Rome, Do.co.mo.mo Italia, Ministry of Culture … Continue reading

Culinary Imagine – Nation

images in this post from exhibition’s promotional materials, heritage photograph therein by TopFoto, Credit: John Topham/ TopFoto. 1951. Culinary Imagine – Nation is the final outcome of a multifaceted action, following on work with a student group of KU Leuven Cultural … Continue reading

Britain’s children “shipped” since 1860s

Text by Caterina Sbrana. There is a history of migration involving a large number of Britain’s children who were “shipped” since the 1860s to Canada, Australia and other Commonwealth countries. This fate affected over 100,000 children. I knew the living … Continue reading

BLUE SKIES, RED PANIC – photo exhibition

Through the images from some of the most important european photographic archives, this exhibition showcase the era of the 1950s of a nascent Europe, balacing between east and west, freedom and repression, terror and euphoria. The Pisa display is the first of a series, as the exhibition is coinceived to be travelling across Europe. Continue reading

Blue skies, red panic – a photographic exhibition about the 1950s

Much like scents, flavours and music, photographs are powerful triggers of memory. So what better medium to recall a past as recent and as visually recognizable as early postwar Europe…? For about a year, the consortium involved in the EU-funded … Continue reading

A concept workshop for 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope

all photos courtesy Fred Truyen. One of the technological aspects in the 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope project relates to implement a specific visual matching search tool for photography of the Fifties, that will support user engagement with Europeana content and … Continue reading

50s in Europe Kaleidoscope (2018-2020)

“50s in Europe Kaleidoscope” is a new project led by KU Leuven and including a mix of technology partners, universities and content providers. The aim of the project is to use state-of-the-art technologies to improve the user experience in engaging … Continue reading

Digital Cultural Heritage as a lab for fostering win-win collaboration between the public and the private sector

PHOTOCONSORTIUM, the international consortium for photographic heritage, organized its annual event 2018 in Barcelona, hosted by Generalitat de Catalunia – GENCAT in the beautiful locations of the Department of Culture. While the Association’s general assembly took place on 11th June, a public … Continue reading

Major Enhancements Unveiled On ‘Closer To Van Eyck’ Web Application

The Getty Foundation and the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA, Brussels) announced today the launch of major enhancements to the website ‘Closer to Van Eyck,’ which provides breathtaking details of one of the most important works of art in … Continue reading

Call: ideation workshop in Helsinki – How can we create new interfaces to heritage collections of social digital photography

The Collecting Social Photo project is happy to invite creative participants for a workshop in Helsinki, in November 2017, where we will develop prototype interfaces for social digital photography collections. The purpose of the workshop is to ideate together around … Continue reading