Topic: museum & library information systems

Dr. Irene Pivetti (Chairmain of Only Italia) with Prof.Vito Cappellini (Florence University) (c) Promoter srl archive
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts (EVA) @ Florence 2013

Florence hosted an international event that includes a Conference, Workshops, Meetings & an Exhibition. The Electronic Information, the Visual Arts and Beyond (EVA Conferences) are a series of international interdisciplinary conferences mainly in Europe, but also elsewhere in the world, for people interested in the application of information technology to the cultural and especially the visual arts field. Continue reading

Linked Heritage: Seminar on Multilingualism and Terminology

Multilingualism is crucial especially in a European context. The seminar has presented one of the achievement of the Linked Heritage Work Package 3 with the Terminology Management Platform (TMP) and brought together other European and national initiatives creating and developping multilingual terminology resources or tools for managing or reusing them. Continue reading

Augmented reality: enriching culture

Augmented Reality was initially used for military, industrial, and medical applications, but was soon applied to commercial and entertainment areas as well. In the cultural sector, it can be of particular relevance in the fields of archaeology, architecture, art, city planning, for applications in tourism, education, social innovation Continue reading

India for digital preservation

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, in July dedicated a special issue about Digital Preservation. The Journal endeavours to bring recent developments in information technology, as applicable to library and information science, to the notice of librarians, documentation and information professionals, students and others interested in the field. Continue reading

The 4th Euro-Mediterranean conference on Digital Cultural Heritage

Extract from the article by Steve Brewer, EGI, available on EGI’s blog. EGI, European Grid Infrastructure, was one of the protagonists of this valuable event that collected experts from the digital cultural heritage field, researchers, scientist and technicians. The common goal is to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, the use of cutting edge technologies for the protection, preservation, conservation, massive digitalisation and visualization/presentation of the Cultural Heritage content (archeological sites, artifacts, monuments, libraries, archives, museums, etc) Continue reading

Advanced digital facilities to improve classical studies

Founded in 1425, KU Leuven combines a rich tradition with top research and technology. Bruno Vandermuelen from the Faculty of Letters talks about the digitization facilities available at the University digital lab, helping digitization for EuropeanaPhotography EC project and other art-technical research in cultural heritage. Continue reading

Digitisation centre for Lithuanian Museums

Lithuanian museums caught the digitisation train rather late comparing with the rest of Europe. Therefore now they try hard to come up with it and present Europe’s audience with digital images of their collections. The coordinator of museums digitisation activities is the Lithuanian Museums’ Centre for Information, Digitisation and LIMIS (LM CID LIMIS) established as a separate department at the Lithuanian Art Museum in 2009. Continue reading

ATHENA Project for Ancient Theaters

The ATHENA Project of Ancient THeaters Enhancement for New Actualities is a Euromed initiative designed to bolster cooperation and ideas between Europe and Arab countries across the Mediterranean, in the field of ancient theater development and their relationship with civil society institutions and communities. Continue reading

Cultural Heritage and Information Technologies. Museum as an information system

The annual conference ADIT that has been held since 1997 is one of the key All-Russian activities on promotion of information technologies among museums and other cultural institutions that facilitates the development of museums and exchange of regional experience. Continue reading