Topic: cultural tourism

The project for recovery of the Aynadamar irrigation channel in Granada continues

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). From the Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory (MEMOLab) of the University of Granada, directed by Dr. José María Martín Civantos, we are carrying out the participatory project “Recovering the Aynadamar irrigation … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilots meet to share about their progress

In order to keep the pace of Pilots’ progress in the various areas and activities, a series of online networking meetings was organized on 9-10-11 January 2023. The Pilots have a lot of commonalities and differences, and often share challenges … Continue reading

Midterm reporting for INCULTUM Pilots: progress and innovation

It is now available in the project’s website the recently released D5.1 Intermediate Pilots report, a condesed document which summarizes the work done by each of the 10 Pilot cases in the INCULTUM project. Albeit with (sometimes big) differences and … Continue reading

Be.CULTOUR and INCULTUM establish collaboration

The EU-funded Be.CULTOUR project recently establised a cooperation agreement with INCULTUM, aiming at cross-dissemination, knowledge exchange and other common actions in the area of sustainable cultural tourism. Be.CULTOUR stands for “Beyond CULtural TOURism: heritage innovation networks as drivers of Europeanisation towards … Continue reading

RURALIZATION launches a MOOC, starting 1 March 2023

RURALIZATION is a EU-funded project aiming at developing forward-looking policies fulfilling the ‘future dreams’ of new rural generations and foster sustainable development of rural and marginal areas. In this light, RURALIZATION and INCULTUM recently established a cooperation agreement for cross-dissemination … Continue reading

Be.CULTOUR webinar series in 2023 – first event on 24/2/2023

The Be.CULTOUR project, focused on enhancing enhancing cultural heritage and landscape values for sustainable cultural tourism, is launching a new series of webinars to boost peer learning among its Community of Interest and other followers. Various experts and on-field stakeholders will be … Continue reading

Locating Consumption: Spatiotemporal Methods Advancing Tourism Behavior Research

Upcoming in mid-2024, a special issue is organized in the Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, in line with the scope of INCULTUM project and as part of the Swedish Pilot team and our collaboration network “MBT- Mapping the Beaten … Continue reading

Sharing the intermediate findings of INCULTUM Data Analysis

It is now available in the project’s website the recently released D3.2 Intermediate findings presentation for Data Analysis, an extensive document which provides apreliminary results of data analysis focused on the 10 Pilot cases study areas in INCULTUM project. We … Continue reading

INCULTUM presented at conference on Cultural Economics

The 1st Polish Conference on Cultural Economics was a relevant event on November 24, that constituted an opportunity for meeting cultural researchers, exchange ideas and present ongoing projects, also to enable future collaboration of researchers of various affiliations. The ACEP … Continue reading

Join networking events for INTERREG upcoming calls

Two online events are organized by INTERREG Europe in sight of the second call for project proposals. The call will be open from 15 March to 9 June 2023. A series of thematic networking events in November and December are … Continue reading