Image and text Flore Coppin, courtesy of Bibracte.

image courtesy of Bibracte
As part of its role of innovation manager of the INCULTUM consortium, BIBRACTE contributes to promote innovation in the products and processes proposed, or in techniques and approaches in the different INCULTUM pilot projects.
Recently, in the frame of the publication of the intermediate pilots report, Bibracte, identified 10 main innovations developed by the pilot projects. In this respect, Bibracte has written an innovation factsheet, which proposes to explore the main innovations developed in the framework of Ancient paths to the future. This document is a working paper that will be updated regularly and will be used as a framework by the other pilot projects to promote their innovations.
A workshop on the innovations developed by the 10 pilots in the framework of INCULTUM will be organized during the annual assembly of the INCULTUM consortium in April 2023 in Sweden. It will be an opportunity for sharing the best practices of the pilots on the different methodologies or innovative tools and it will lead to the writing of a synthesis.
Ancient paths to the future aims to participate in the future of the Morvan territory by organising a well-managed tourism offer that mobilises all local actors, including the economic sectors that are part of the “landscape making”. To develop these ambitions, Ancient paths to the future is based on an integrated territorial approach developed around the heritage site of Bibracte.
The aim of the project is to take advantage of the well-established number of visitors to Bibracte (around 100,000 per year) to irrigate the surrounding area by developing a wide-ranging offer improving the quality of services (accommodation, catering, mobility, etc.) and by mobilising the maximum number of local stakeholders and inhabitants.
Ancient paths to the future pursues 3 main objectives:
- Preserve and enhance the territory’s heritage resources by activating and animating a heritage community around the “commons” of rural paths;
- Create a new sustainable cultural tourism offer around the rural paths by targeting new segments of tourists – nature and heritage lovers;
- Develop the pilot within the framework of an integrated territorial project, which should guarantee its sustainability.
In this factsheet Bibracte proposes to explore the main innovations developed in the framework of its pilot project:
- Use the attachment of the inhabitants for heritage and landscape as a vector for social cohesion and action, through the constitution of an active heritage community;
- Create “territorial intelligence”, particularly in tourism sector, through a shared diagnosis.
- Guarantee the coherence and sustainability of the territorial project through an integrated approach using territorial entrepreneurship as a tool for making different sectors of activity that shape the landscape and the economy working together.
Further readings:
- Download Ancient path to the future innovation factsheet (PDF, 1.4 Mb)
- Midterm reporting for INCULTUM Pilots: progress and innovation | Digital meets Culture
- Territorial entrepreneurship, an innovative territorial development tool for the Bibracte pilot project