Current Practices and New Directions in Digital Epigraphy


Current Practices and New Directions in Digital Epigraphy is the first of a series of international events planned by EAGLE project. The event featured presentations and hands-on workshops led by the project’s Working Groups.


The workshop, which took place in Ljubljana on 19-20 February 2014, was organised by EAGLE partner Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Archaeology (Slovenia), in collaboration with Heidelberg University (Germany) and Sapienza, University of Rome (Italy).


The event was aimed at anyone interested in epigraphy (digital or non-digital) as well as to the establishment and diffusion of general best current practices for digital editions. It covered many aspects of digital technology applied to inscriptions, from content to management and networking.

The event hosted the following 3 workshops:

W1: Harmonization and interoperability of Inscriptions (Eagle Working Group on GIS and Terminologies):

  • The Eagle metadata model and its entities
  • Europeana Data Model
  • EpiDoc as interoperability format
  • Wikiand geographical information
  • Vocabularies and Terminologies

W2: Translations of Inscriptions (Eagle Working Group on Translations and content curation):

  • WikiData as best practice for translations of inscriptions.
  • An Edit-a-thon of translations of Latin texts on the Eagle MediaWiki

W3: Intellectual Property Rights (Eagle Working Group on  IPR and user engagement):

  • overview on licensing practices and policies in Europe
  • how to deal with IPR
  • how to properly label unlabeled digital items as photographs

Moreover, the event hosted a photographic workshop on shooting high quality images for online publication and research.

a digital bridge to the ancient world

  • Marjeta Šašel Kos:
  • Pietro Liuzzo:


For more information visit the event page in the EAGLE website.


EAGLE, The Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy is a best-practice network, co-funded by the European Commission under its Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme. EAGLE will provide a massive resource for both the curious and the scholarly by the provision of a single user-friendly portal to the inscriptions of the Ancient World.

Below, some photos taken at Ljubljana by Andrej Šemrov and Matija Pavlovec.



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