Topic: software & tools

Meet WEAVE Team: PédeXumbo

PédeXumbo was born in 1998 to provide a legal framework for the Andanças Festival, created in 1996 by a group of Portuguese young people. The Association’s work can be divided into two stages: before and after 2007. Until 2007, it … Continue reading

STARTS Prize 2022 Open Call

STARTS is an initiative of the European Commission to foster alliances of technology and artistic practice. Since 2016, the STARTS Prize has organised a yearly competition to single out innovative projects at the nexus of science, technology and the arts that … Continue reading

Europeana integration of the WEAVE tools, work ongoing

  WEAVE project is currently developing a set of tools to support cultural heritage institutions for the activities of digital content aggregation and access. The toolkit consists of several open and reusable tools and technologies employing a mix of AI … Continue reading expands with new itineraries about the city of Bologna is based on an interactive map of the Emilia-Romagna region, which localizes precisely architectural heritage and landscapes in the area, offering significant information on the sites that have been searched and pinpointed on the map. Thanks to the collaboration … Continue reading

EVA Florence 2022

EVA FLORENCE, the annual event in Firenze of the EVA series. Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts Conference, Training and Workshops Palazzo del Pegaso, Regional Council of Tuscany, Florence 6th June 2022 Who Should Attend: – The Cultural Sector – … Continue reading

European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry ECQI 2022

The congress theme of the 5th edition of the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry is “Qualitative Inquiry in the online technological realm“. Organized by KU Leuven, this edition was a virtual event with a large programme of keynotes, presentations, workshops … Continue reading

Florence Heri-Tech 2022

Florence Heri-Tech was launched in 2018 by the Department of Industrial Engineering of University of Florence (DIEF) and Florence Biennial Art and Restoration Fair. The idea is to create a synergy between Cultural Heritage and New Technologies. The Conference involves … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

With the WEAVE 3D Modelling LabDay fast approaching, scheduled for October 1, 2021 from 10-11GMT, the WEAVE team is pleased to introduce the University Nova Lisboa (UNL), located in Portugal. UNL is one of the two public Universities located in … Continue reading


On a regular schedule, the WEAVE team publishes a blog post which features a partner of the WEAVE consortium. This blog item presents partner ARCTUR. Established in 1992, Arctur has been pioneering by merging research, science, art and business. The … Continue reading


On a regular schedule, the WEAVE team publishes a blog post which features a partner of the WEAVE consortium. This blog item presents partner ERIAC European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture e.V.. WEAVE aims to connects various communities at … Continue reading