Topic: photography

Europeana Photography thematic collection – Launch event in Pisa

On May 20th it’s “Open, Sesame!” at Pisa’s Museo della Grafica. Precisely on the European Night of Museums, PHOTOCONSORTIUM and Europeana will launch the Europeana Photography thematic collection: an online platform that celebrates early photography by showcasing some of the finest historical … Continue reading

Photography / Archives / Ireland – Symposyum

This one day symposium will bring together researchers and practitioners who are concerned to interrogate the role of the archive in the production of new knowledges about photography in Ireland, and those who offer alternative narratives of Irish culture through … Continue reading

OPEN CALL Ar(t)chaeology: Intersections of photography and archaeology

This Call invites artists who particularly work with photography to respond to the theme of the International Association of Photography and Theory’s first collaborative project entitled Ar(t)chaeology: Intersections of photography and archaeology. The project will run from May to December … Continue reading

Pop-Up exhibitions at KU Leuven university

By Clarissa Colangelo, KU Leuven. As the new semester begins here at KU Leuven, we have kicked it off with a small surprise for the students: from the 13th until the 15th of February, two Pop-Up Museum photographic exhibitions have been on display in Agora, … Continue reading

Photomediations in Danish language

Photomediations: An Open Book is the major outcome of Open and Hybrid Publishing Pilot of Europeana Space. Through a comprehensive introduction and four specially commissioned chapters on light, movement, hybridity and networks that include over 200 images, Photomediations: An Open Book tells … Continue reading

E-Space MOOC: a successful first run

by Clarissa Colangelo, KU Leuven. Article originally appeared on the E-Space Photography Pilot Blog. photo courtesy KU Leuven On January 10th 2017 the MOOC “Europeana Space: Creative with Digital Heritage” ended. With almost 1000 enrolled learners from 90 different countries … Continue reading

International Workshop on Cinema and Landscape

Filming the Arts, the strategic project of the University of Florence for digital preservation of audiovisual heritage and performing arts,  is proud to present the International Workshop on Cinema and Landscape, taking place in Florence at the SAGAS Department on … Continue reading

Europeana Space tests educational demonstrator during seminar “The Ghent Altarpiece in 100 Billion Pixels”

by Frederik Temmermans, imec On the 29th of November 2016, Europeana Space organised a seminar entitled “The Ghent Altarpiece in 100 Billion Pixels” at the imec offices in Brussels. During the seminar, the Europeana Space educational demonstrator “Photographic investigation of … Continue reading

Image and Research Conference 2016 report

In the third week of November (from 16th to 18th) it was held a new edition of the Image and Research Conference, organized by the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of the Girona City Council with the collaboration of the Association of Archivists of Catalonia. Around 200 people attended representing fifteen different countries and the PREFORMA project was presented by Magnus Geber, Antonella Fresa, Sònia Oliveras i Artau, Peter Pharow and Miquel Montaner. Continue reading

Digital Past 2017

Digital Past is a two day conference which showcases innovative digital technologies and techniques for data capture, interpretation and dissemination of the heritage of Wales, the UK and beyond. The conference aims to promote learning, discussion and debate around a … Continue reading