Topic: cultural tourism

International Conference on Cultural Tourism Advances

Leuven, Belgium, 27-28 June 2023 The conference is co-organized by IMPACTOUR, INCULTUM and the other EU H2020 projects operating the area of sustainable tourism promotionolders on the territory.  Selected and presented papers are expected to be published by a Springer … Continue reading

Public-private stakeholder meeting in Calatafimi, Sicily

The INCULTUM Pilot set in Sicily is coordinated by the GAL Elimos, and is organizing a cycle of meetings dedicated to discuss the development of itineraries and other actions that aim to enhance the heritage locations and operators in the … Continue reading

Winter School ‘A New Grand Tour in Tuscany’

A brand new Winter School program, organized by the University Of Pisa (Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge and Degree Course in Tourism Science) and the UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in word heritage … Continue reading

Participatory opening of a new cultural route in Kallithea village, INCULTUM Pilot in Greece

All images and text courtesy of The High Mountains. In the context of INCULTUM Pilot 7 Aoos the shared river, the High Mountains Social Cooperative organised a participatory action for  opening a new cultural route in Kallithea village, which took … Continue reading

INCULTUM presented at Man and Biosphere conference in Garfagnana

On 15th February 2023 in Castelnuovo di Garfagnaga there was a the first event of a cycle of consultative meetings with local stakeholders in the area touched by the ample Man and Biosphere MAB UNESCO Reserve in the Apennines park. … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot: meeting in Castril with the Town Hall and the Irrigators’ Community

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). INCULTUM Pilot in Granada is coordinated by the Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory (MEMOLab), led by Professor Dr. José María Martín Civantos, from the Department of Medieval History and CCTTHH of … Continue reading

Recovering train routes and linking trails in the Sicilian Inland

The INCULTUM Pilot set in Sicily is coordinated by the GAL Elimos, and is focused on establishing collaborations with local municipalities in the Trapani province, specifically Calatafimi-Segesta, Custonaci and Buseto Palizzolo. One of the scopes is to develop territorial promotion … Continue reading

2022 review and 2023 outlook for Bibracte pilot project at the General Assembly of the Grand Site de France Bibracte – Morvan des Sommets

Text Flore Coppin, picture courtesy of Bibracte. On 14 December 2022, Bibracte organised the end-of-year meeting of the 12 village communities involved in the Grand Site de France label. More than 30 participants attended this meeting in the village of … Continue reading

Submissions open for INCULTUM special session at ESRA congress 2023

From 28-08 to 01-09 in Alicante takes place the important ERSA congress, focused this year on “Urban challenges and sustainable technological revolution“.  It is a very large gathering with hundreds of participants and a rich programme of sessions on various … Continue reading

INCULTUM Coffee Talk: Cultural heritage tourism websites

One challenge identified in INCULTUM project is linked to the need of creating synergies among the various partners in the large consortium, who have a lot of commonalities and differences and who need to detect development trajectories for capacity building … Continue reading