Author Archives: valentina.bachi

Europeana Space disseminated in Croatia

Although the topic of the speech was focused on the importance of e-documentation and on the current initiatives in the digital documentation/preservation in Cultural Heritage, the occasion of an important gathering of experts and professionals in the domain of cultural heritage preservation was interesting to disseminate Europeana Space to a audience of Scientific Community (higher education or research) and Industry representatives, as well as Policy Makers and Medias from various EU nationalities. Continue reading

Open & Hybrid Publishing pilot @ Transactions event

Joanna Zylinska from Goldsmiths, University of London and Jonathan Shaw from Coventry University were invited speakers at the ‘All About Imaging: Transactions’ symposium, organised by the Faculty of Media, Arts and Design of the University of Westminster, London, with the co-operation of the Imaging Science Group of The Royal Photographic Society, on 22-23.05.2014. Continue reading

Europeana Photography @ Digital Humanities Congress

Digital humanities is understood by Sheffield University to mean the use of technology within arts, heritage and humanities research as both a method of inquiry and a means of dissemination. As such, Europeana Photography is a very concrete example of the use of technologies to enhance cultural heritage. Continue reading

Europeana Space at Euromed Congress 2014

Project Coordinator Professor Sarah Whatley spoke about Europeana Space project during a focused workshop, dedicated to analyse the stategies for  cultural heritage in the new digital age, held during the important congress Euromed in Cyprus (3-8 November 2014). Europeana Space was … Continue reading

A strategy for cultural heritage in the new digital age.

A panel workshop to disseminate the latest achievements and to foster collaboration in the digital cultural heritage sector is organized by Promoter Srl in the framework of the important congress Euromed 2014. EU projects, organizations and professional operating in this field are invited to participate in the discussion. Continue reading

Europeana Space Opening Conference

A rich program of speakers and creative sessions to build bridges between Cultural Institutions and Creative Industry. Digital Cultural Content Re-imagined: New Avenues for the Economy and Society. The Opening Conference of Europeana Space is a great event held in Venice on 16-17 … Continue reading

German Resistance Memorial Center in Berlin: New permanent Exhibition

On July 1 2014, the Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel opened the new permanent exhibition “Resistance against National Socialism” in the German Resistance Memorial Center in Berlin. The entire social breadth and ideological diversity of the fight against the National Socialist dictatorship is are documented in 18 topic areas. The barrier-free permanent exhibition is accompanied by a wide range of media and materials, along with an audio guide in seven languages and a video guide in German Sign Language. Continue reading

Some of our yesterdays: Europeana Photography @ British Library

Organized by the Royal Anthropological Institute and the British Museum, this gathering of professionals from either the artistic/creative field or the academic world, offered the opportunity to anyone active at the crossroads of both disciplines to showcase an oeuvre or project to the conference attendants. In te Europeana Photography booth, the accent was on the project’s future activities: the upcoming Belgian production of the expo (Leuven, 30 January – 30 March 2015), as well as the upcoming future platform that is springing out of the project after the end of the EC funding period. Continue reading

A digital archive about dance: the Siobhan Davies RePlay

Many of the objects within the archive collection have been sourced directly from Davies and her collaborators’ personal collections, whilst other items have been kindly lent by institutions and private contributors. Almost all of these objects that would otherwise remain inaccessible and unavailable appear online for the first time, and in many cases represent the first time objects have been viewed by anyone since their original date of creation. Continue reading

Europeana Photography workshop about Orphan Works

Valuable experts were invited for discussing different themes and for driving question and answer sessions. The participants were from the project consortium and also from other organizations such as the National Archives and the National Museum of Denmark, the Danish Film Institute and LFF Foundation. Arbejdermuseet is one of the partners of Europeana Photography project, providing 25.000 digitized photos that witness the conditions and everyday life of the workers’ and the labour movement’s history. Continue reading