Author Archives: debernardi

Exhibition “Fragmenta“ by Artist Gianluca Cingolani at Today Art Museum in Beijing

Gianluca Cingolani is a multidisciplinary artist, working with video, photography, graphic and music. The exhibition Fragmenta, that opens in Beijing on 16th November, is a journey in Time, a reflection on the concepts of Narration. Fragments, the origin cells, take us in … Continue reading

Europeana Photography updates and plenary meeting 2014

Immediately following the EuropeanaPhotography software seminar organized by partners GenCat and CRDI, a plenary meeting of the project was held in Barcelona on 30-31 January, again at the premises of Palau Moja. This plenary meeting included the official announce of the upcoming EuropeanaPhotography exhibition, opening in Pisa (Italy) in April 2014. Continue reading

EVA Moscow, good dissemination for EuropeanaPhotography

«EVA 2013 Moscow, Information society, culture, education»: the theme of this edition was «Libraries and museums in digital environment: dialogue and cooperation». EuropeanaPhotography was presented at the conference with a good speech, and distribution of flyers. Moreover, possible cooperation with local Institutions was deeply discussed. Several people asked questions, mainly about how their Institution can join the project and how Russian organizations can be involved. Continue reading

The digital cultural heritage towards Horizon 2020

The event was divided in two sessions; the first one was dedicated to the policy, highlighting the decisions by Italian Government and Parliament related to the central role of culture for the economic recovery in Italy, and also in Europe. The second session was dedicated to the digital content Aggregators and to the research infrastructures in the sector of SSH (Social Science and Humanities) and cultural heritage, to share objectives and to develop a common, operative roadmap for digitization. Continue reading

International seminar Photography – Museum Narratives

On 14-15 October 2013 the National Museum in Warsaw has hosted the international seminar Photography – Museum Narratives. The seminar was organized by the Archaeology of Photography Foundation, in collaboration with the National Museum in Warsaw and National Institute of Museology and Collections Protection. Continue reading