DH Benelux 2024 Conference
“Breaking Silos, Connecting Data: Advancing Integration and Collaboration in Digital Humanities” is the theme of the 11th edition of the DH Benelux Conference. The event will take place at the Irish College in Leuven from June 5 to June 7, 2024, with pre-conference workshops scheduled for June 4, 2024.
The annual DH Benelux Conference serves as a platform for the community of interdisciplinary Digital Humanities researchers to meet, present and discuss their latest research findings and to demonstrate tools and projects.
Call for Papers
The Call for Papers is open until 31 January 2024.
Researchers, practitioners, scholars, and students are invited to submit their original research, case studies, position papers, and poster presentations related to the theme of “Breaking Silos, Connecting Data” and its associated topics.
Interdisciplinary perspectives are welcomed, with encouragement for contributions exploring strategies, techniques, and methodologies to break down silos, connect disparate data sets and sources, foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and enable new forms of data access
More info here
Submissions can be made here via Easychair