Tag: Andrea de Polo

EVA Moscow, good dissemination for EuropeanaPhotography

«EVA 2013 Moscow, Information society, culture, education»: the theme of this edition was «Libraries and museums in digital environment: dialogue and cooperation». EuropeanaPhotography was presented at the conference with a good speech, and distribution of flyers. Moreover, possible cooperation with local Institutions was deeply discussed. Several people asked questions, mainly about how their Institution can join the project and how Russian organizations can be involved. Continue reading

Preservation and use of digital collections of photographic documents

First International Scientific and Practical Seminar  DIGITIZED HERITAGE: PRESERVATION, ACCESS, REPRESENTATION Preservation and use of digital collections of photographic documents November 25-26, 2013 State Polytechnic Museum (NTUU “KPI”) held a scientific and practical seminar, the first in a series of informational … Continue reading

Europeana Photography @ ICT2013, IPR networking session

The session was intended to foster knowledge exchange and networking actions to address a very common and shared issue from different points of view and backgrounds, also in the light of enabling a true and exploitable creative re-use of the digital content available in Europeana and in other online collections. Continue reading

Photography since its beginning

Mr. Andrea de Polo, Head of the Digital Imaging Department of Alinari 24 Ore, joins the controlled self-confidence of the businessman with a touch of human warmth that makes you feel immediately at ease. We had a pleasant talk about EuropeanaPhotography and Alinari 24 Ore. Continue reading