Topic: digital archive

EUROMED 2022 Cultural Tourism workshop – updated agenda

The event was organized in the framework of EUROMED (7-11 November 2022) by H2020 project INCULTUM, to discuss about the role of community engagement and citizen participation in enhancing and promoting sustainable tourism in peripheral areas that are not often … Continue reading

TWA Digitisation Grant 2022 – Winners Announced!

>>> Press release Having announced the successful applicants at the ARA Conference on 1st September, we have pleasure confirming this year’s lucky winners! After some key changes to the TWA Digitisation Grant, as a result of COVID-19, we are pleased … Continue reading

ilide Innovative Library in Digital Era, conference 2022

The aim of the ilide or Innovative Library in Digital Era conferences is to bring subjects fully reflecting its name and present visionary and original ideas based on an extensive experience of the participating experts and institutions. The presentations will … Continue reading

No Time to Wait – conference

The 6th edition of the No Time to Wait conference will be hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision and on October 26th – 28th, 2022 at Sound & Vision’s media museum in The Hague, the Netherlands. … Continue reading

TPDL 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries

Over the years TPDL established an important international forum focused on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues. TPDL encompasses the many meanings of the term “digital libraries”, including new forms of information institutions; operational information systems with … Continue reading

Cultural tourism workshop organized at EUROMED 2022 – 9th Nov. h.16 EET

The event is organized in the framework of EUROMED (7-11 November 2022) by H2020 project INCULTUM, to discuss about the role of community engagement and citizen participation in enhancing and promoting sustainable tourism in peripheral areas that are not often … Continue reading

Culture Tourism and Social Innovation: The Collective Organisation of the Cultural Experience of our Homeland

>>> press release (text and images provided by The High Mountains SCE). On Saturday, May 21, 2022, the first discussion of the Cultural Associations of Konitsa’s area with our Social Cooperative Enterprise (SCE), “The High Mountains”, took place in the … Continue reading

INCULTUM presented at EVA Florence 2022

INCULTUM was presented by the communication and network coordinator dr. Antonella Fresa at EVA FLORENCE, the annual event in Firenze of the EVA series Electronic imaging & the Visual Arts. Download INCULTUM presentation (PDF) The accepted paper about INCULTUM is … Continue reading

Fundraising 101 for *Global Majority dance practitioners

image courtesy of Rosa Cisneros, C-DARE Coventry University. The EU-Funded WEAVE Team has been hosting several Capacity Building events over the  last few weeks.  On April 22nd we held our final LabDay in the series but we continue to challenge issues in … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: Europeana Foundation

Europeana is Europe’s platform for digital cultural heritage, empowering cultural heritage institutions to share their collections with the world.  Through the Europeana website, millions of cultural heritage items from around 4,000 institutions across Europe are available online. We work to … Continue reading