Author Archives: Susanna Capannini

A new report published by NEMO, concerning digital learning and education in museums

The Network of European Museum Organisation, NEMO, has presented a new report, “Digital learning and education in museums – Innovative approaches and insights”. The report presents 15 European digital museum projects and offers recommendations for fostering digital engagement, learning and education in the … Continue reading

IFLA Announces Official Dates for WLIC 2023.

The IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) is the most international professional and trade event for the library and information services sector. IFLA brings high-level speakers, experts in every aspect of the profession, and library and information workers from … Continue reading

EGI2023 conference in Poland

At this year’s annual EGI conference, that will take place in Poznań (Poland), international scientific communities, computing and service providers, European projects, security experts, community managers, and policy makers gather to take research and innovation in data-intensive processing and analytics … Continue reading

Why 3D Matters: accelerating 3D in the common European data space for cultural heritage

The Europeana conference “Why 3D Matters: accelerating 3D in the common European data space for cultural heritage” will take place on 18 April 2023 (9h00 – 15h00 CET). The conference under the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU will … Continue reading

Physical and Mental Pathologies’ Representations in Photography and Early Cinema

On November 8th, 9th and 10th, 2023, Museum of Cinema – Tomàs Mallol Collection, Department of History and History of Art of the Universitat de Girona, the Research Unit on Early Cinema (GROC) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and … Continue reading

Update on Erasmus+ Project “From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage”

text and images in this post courtesy of the project “From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage”. Erasmus+ Project “From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage” includes partners from Turkey, Italy and Bulgaria and aims at boosting introduction of national … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot in Portugal presented at Almargem’s Newsletter

text and images in this post courtesy of University of Algarve. INCULTUM project and Portuguese Pilot are disseminated in the news in the last issue of Almargem’s Newsletter (nº 36, March 2023), a special edition dedicated to Water. Almargem’s Newsletter … Continue reading

Europeana survey about enrichments to cultural collections

In recent years, the volume of enrichment activities in the Europeana ecosystem has increased significantly, by adding new human and machine-generated metadata, transcriptions, subtitles, and other types of enrichments to cultural heritage data published in the Europeana website. As more … Continue reading

arebyte’s upcoming exhibition: Rock Bottom by Abe Sugarman

    arebyte presents Rock Bottom, an exhibition by Abe Sugarman, the winner of hotel generation 2022, arebyte’s yearly programme mentoring the next generation of UK digital artists during the critical early stages of establishing a career in the arts. … Continue reading

Citizen Heritage Project hosted during Open Science Day 2023

During Open Science Day 2023, the KU Leuven event where researchers share experiences about Open Science taking place this year in Leuven and online on 2 May 2023, the CitizenHeritage Project will be presented and discussed in a talk by … Continue reading