Topic: europeana-photography

The Royal Anthropological Institute is pleased to announce its major international conference ‘Anthropology and Photography’, which will take place at the British Museum’s Education Clore Centre on 29-31 May 2014. Europeana Photography was invited by RAI and will take part in the conference presenting its recent outcomes. Continue reading

Organized by CRDI – Centre de Recerca i Difusió de la Imatge (Ajuntament de Girona) and GenCat – Generalitat de Catalunya (Department de Cultura), a seminar in the framework of EuropeanaPhotography project has take place in Barcelona (29th January 2014), at the premises of Palau Moja, Carrer … Continue reading

It was recently held on 2 December 2013 in Rotterdam, and beside a very strong focus on the Europeana Business Plan 2014 and Horizon2020, it was as usual the perfect occasion for meeting other projects’ representatives, sharing achievements and expertise, discussing possible future strategies and developing new partnerships. Continue reading

«EVA 2013 Moscow, Information society, culture, education»: the theme of this edition was «Libraries and museums in digital environment: dialogue and cooperation». EuropeanaPhotography was presented at the conference with a good speech, and distribution of flyers. Moreover, possible cooperation with local Institutions was deeply discussed. Several people asked questions, mainly about how their Institution can join the project and how Russian organizations can be involved. Continue reading

This survey provides an analysis of how IP is perceived at EU citizen level. It is launched at a time when IP has never been so present in the day-to-day lives of European citizens. Intellectual property rights cover everything from the food people eat, to the clothes they wear, the cars they drive and the music they listen to. And through the explosion in digital content and technology over the past decade, people are now closer to IP than ever before.” Continue reading

The project coordinator prof. Fred Truyen and his assistant Sofie Taes were invited for a lecture at the National Museum of Finland in Helsinki, during the Photo Archive Days. Finland is not represented (yet!) in the EuropeanaPhotography consortium but the event was useful to start a dialogue and relationships with representatives from the Finnish archives and museums. Continue reading

The 31st of October 2013, Brussels’ IRPA (Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage) hosted a 1-day conference on issues in the management of photographic collections: CO-MA. A small exhibition of IRPA’s photographic collection accompanied the conference. Continue reading