Topic: europeana-photography

Over 13 Conferences, Symposia, Workshops and Exhibitions under one roof. In the 2013 European Capital of Culture, Marseille, this fall will have place the world’s largest gathering ever focused on Digital Heritage. A federated event of the leading scientific meetings in information technology for heritage… Continue reading

Sofie Taes of KU Leuven gave a presentation of EuropeanaPhotography during the panel session of EU projects at Digital Heritage 2013. The workshop took place on the 29th October and included representatives of several EU projects, who delivered interesting speeches. It was an occasion to discuss and present the project to colleagues, experts and professionals in the cultural heritage, to foster reciprocal awareness and cooperation. Continue reading

This year, the General Meeting of the NALIS Foundation is joined to the celebrations of the 125th anniversary of the Sofia University, and includes an important workshop: “Undisclosed Treasures from the Photo-archives”. Following the workshop there will be the official opening of an exhibition: “Treasures among the Donations to Library “Theology” of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Continue reading

Organized by the Archeology of Photography Foundation, the National Museum in Warsaw and the national Institute of Museology and Collections protection, the seminar included a panel of international speakers. “Bringing together an array of internationally renowned speakers, the conference provided ample platform for debate and creative comparison”, said the organizers. Continue reading

The event was divided in two sessions; the first one was dedicated to the policy, highlighting the decisions by Italian Government and Parliament related to the central role of culture for the economic recovery in Italy, and also in Europe. The second session was dedicated to the digital content Aggregators and to the research infrastructures in the sector of SSH (Social Science and Humanities) and cultural heritage, to share objectives and to develop a common, operative roadmap for digitization. Continue reading

A round table on the theme “OPEN (RE)SOURCE, valorizing e integrating the cultural heritage” has been held in Turin, organized by the heritage agency Promemoria in collaboration with Teatro Regio Torino. The event saw the participation and speeches by many … Continue reading

Promoter participated to LuBeC 2013 with a presentation of dr. Antonella Fresa about the creative re-use of digital cultural content and best practice for private-public-partnerships. The presentation starts from the consideration that the amount of Digital Cultural Heritage is very large and constantly growing, thanks to the digitization programmes that both private and public content holders are carrying on since the last 10 years. The return on investment should be assessed against the impact delivered to society both in terms of… Continue reading

A valuable workshop organized in the framework of EuropeanaPhotography took place in Paris on 14th-15th November 2013. The workshop was one day and half including presentations and round table discussion, focusing on IPR issues related to digital content and to the … Continue reading

The event is very wide. For this reason, to provide an effective way for participants to explore such a rich and diverse program, Digital Heritage 2013 built an interactive schedule featuring social networking, a personal agenda builder, dynamic attendee directories, and more. Users can view the schedule in list, grid, and other forms as well as on mobile devices. Continue reading

The session was intended to foster knowledge exchange and networking actions to address a very common and shared issue from different points of view and backgrounds, also in the light of enabling a true and exploitable creative re-use of the digital content available in Europeana and in other online collections. Continue reading