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- PREFORMA POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- audiovisual Berlin Brussels call for tender conformance check cultural heritage digital archive digital preservation DPF Manager FFv1 file format validation file formats IPRES MediaArea.net MediaConch open source Open Source Portal open source software PCP PDF/A policy checker PREFORMA standards TIFF VeraPDF
Topic: preforma news
What’s new in MediaConch 16.06, now available for download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal, and latest updates on the pre-IETF Berlin Symposium: No Time to Wait! A free workshop for audiovisual archivists, developers, and open standards working groups from July 18th – 20th hosted by the Deutsche Kinemathek, Zuse Institute Berlin, and MediaArea.net. Register to the workshop and learn more about MediaConch and PREFORMA! Continue reading
Results of the webinar organised by the Open Preservation Foundation to present the possibilities offered by the Pre-Commercial Procurement, a competition-like method designed to steer the development of innovative solutions towards concrete public sector needs, and by PREFORMA, a PCP project co-funded by the European Commission to work on the long-term preservation of digital data Continue reading
The 2014-2016 Annual Report has been published by Open Preservation Foundation, looking back on the activities and achievements undertaken by the Foundation over the past two years. veraPDF, one of the three open source projects funded in the framework in PREFORMA, is considered a crucial technical success by providing the definitive implementation of a PDF/A validation tool, which was released in version 0.14 earlier this year. Continue reading
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research and project papers to the Sixth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage. The Conference is organised under the UNESCO patronage and aims at presenting innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of digitisation, documentation, archiving, representation and preservation of global and national tangible and intangible cultural and scientific heritage. Continue reading
The latest version of veraPDF is now available for download from the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. It features full support of all PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 requirements (all levels). Together with earlier support of PDF/A-1 validation, it represents the first full support for all PDF/A parts and conformance levels. Please support our efforts by downloading and testing the software. Please support our efforts by downloading and testing the software. Continue reading
What’s new in MediaConch 16.05, PREFORMA’s conformance checker for AV files, latest downloads, upcoming events and much more in the June 2016 edition of MediaConch newsletter. Register to the No Time to Wait! symposium on the standardization & use of FFV1 & Matroska in archives. Download MediaConch from PREFORMA Open Source Portal, try it and send us your feedback. We will use it to improve the software. Continue reading
PREFORMA’s proposals for a workshop (“Quality standards for preserving digital cultural heritage”) and a talk (“Status of CELLAR: Update from an IETF Working Group for Matroska and FFV1”) have been both accepted at IPRES 2016, the longest standing digital preservation conference in the world, bringing together key theorists, researchers and practitioners to explore the latest trends, innovations, policies and practices in digital preservation. Continue reading
The 2016’s edition of the IMAGE and RESEARCH International Conference will be held in the Palau de Congressos at Girona from 17th to 18th of November. Four Workshops, related to the main areas of interest of the event, will anticipate the Conference, on 16th November. Continue reading
We are pleased to announce the latest release of veraPDF, the definitive, open source PDF/A validator. Version 0.14 features Transparency and Unicode character map validation in PDF/A-2 levels B and U. This is the first release of the final design phase which began on 19 April following the PREFORMA Project EC review at the Open Source Workshop. Please support our efforts by downloading and testing the software. Continue reading
The video clips of all the presentations of the PREFORMA Open Source Workshop are now available on the event website. The workshop, hosted by the National Library of Sweden on April 7, 2016, featured keynote presentations by representatives from the PREFORMA project and the open source community. Continue reading