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- PREFORMA POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- audiovisual Berlin Brussels call for tender conformance check cultural heritage digital archive digital preservation DPF Manager FFv1 file format validation file formats IPRES Matroska MediaArea.net MediaConch Open Source Portal open source software PCP PDF/A policy checker PREFORMA standards TIFF VeraPDF
Topic: preforma

This is the nineth in a series of interviews with people using MediaConch within their institutions. Brian is the head of the Digital Production Unit for the Special Collections & Archives Research Center at Oregon State University Libraries & Press. He is using MediaConch for validation and policy checking during the quality control process for the video files. He also used DPF Manager and veraPDF for quality control of TIFF and PDF files. Continue reading

This is the eight in a series of interviews with people using MediaConch within their institutions. Patricia Falcao is a time-based media conservator at Tate. She uses MediaConch to check files that have resulted from migration. Francesca Colussi is one of the senior time-based media conservation technicians at Tate. She mainly uses MediaConch both for local policy checking and in-house quality control, as a comparison and ‘problem solving’ tool to spot anomalies in exhibition format files. Continue reading

Marion is a video archivist at the Austrian Mediathek, the Austrian video and sound archive. Her main area of work is the digitization of analogue videos and quality control of video files entering the digital archive. The main use case for MediaConch is to check if files that were produced outside of the default workflow procedure meet the policy for the archival master. Continue reading

The latest version of veraPDF is now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. This release includes new PDF information in the features report and automatic configuration of the features extractor when applying custom policy profiles. There are also a number of low level PDF fixes and improvements which are documented in the latest release notes. From September, veraPDF will make the transition from a funded project to a stand alone open source project. Continue reading

This is the third in a series of interviews with people using MediaConch within their institutions. Kieran O’Leary has an intership with the Irish Film Archive within the Irish Film Institute, mostly working on code, workflows, metadata, digitisation, migration, and facilitating access to collections. He is using MediaConch’s GUI to check files delivered from vendors. MediaConch automates a lot of this work via local policy creation. Continue reading

Kathryn is Digital Collections Manager at Carnegie Hall and she develops and supports sustainable practices around the digital asset lifecycle to ensure the availability and integrity of material related to the Hall. MediaConch is part of Carnegie Hall’s pre-ingest procedures to check the quality of the vendor output against the digitization specs. Continue reading

We are pleased to announce that the new release of veraPDF, the open source file format validator for PDF/A documents, is available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. veraPDF 1.4 has a new GUI wizard for creating custom policy files. Significant performance optimisations have been made to the greenfield PDF parser. Testing and user feedback is key to improving the software. Please download and use the latest release. Continue reading

The veraPDF software is capable of more than just PDF/A validation. It also provides a policy checker capable of carrying out custom PDF document checks beyond the scope of PDF/A validation. In this webinar we’ll be giving a demonstration of the policy checker, providing a brief, non-technical overview of the supporting technologies, helping you to get started, and showing how to report issues and get help. Continue reading

DPF Manager has been updated to version Version 3.1. This new version includes new features, improvements and bugfixes. One important change on this release is that we have created two new independent projects for the implementation checker and the policy checker with the aim of improving the project modularity. Donwload the tool on the Open Source Portal ant try it! Don’t forget to send us your feedback to help improving the software! Continue reading

The latest version of veraPDF, the industry-supported open source, file-format validator for all parts and conformance levels of PDF/A, is now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. This is the final version before version 1.0, which is expected to be released on January 9th 2017 making it an effective release candidate. New features include the schematron based policy checker and a fully functional greenfield implementation. Please help us improve the software by downloading and testing it. Continue reading