Topic: preforma-documents

D4.3 Functions of the Open Source Portal

Deliverable D4.3 reports the functions of the Open Source Portal and the requirements for each associated Open Source project web site. Specifically, this deliverable sets out the direction for how the work in WP6 will be conducted. Each open source … Continue reading

D8.1 Competitive evaluation strategy

This deliverable defines the competitive evaluation strategy which will be used for the assessment of the results of the suppliers at the end of the design phase 1. The competitive evaluation strategy serves to choose those suppliers which will pass … Continue reading

D4.2 Promotional Material

This document provides an overview of the dissemination strategy, activities, and materials the PREFORMA Project intends to use over the lifetime of the project. The dissemination activities aim to increase the impact of the project by making it visible to … Continue reading

D3.1 Terms of Reference for the Network of Common Interest

This Deliverable is a report on the networking platform of tools and guidelines, which includes all terms of reference and methodologies for: Networking with the stakeholders (memory institutions, ICT providers, standardisation bodies) Enlargement of the network Specific methodologies of the … Continue reading

D4.1 Public Website

This document provides an overview on the progress of the online branding strategy for PREFORMA and provides a reference point for all necessary actions regarding the promotion of PREFORMA’s web presence. It also aims to provide an overall description of … Continue reading

D2.2 Tender Specifications

Deliverable 2.2 presents the tender requirements and assessment procedures that have been in included in the Call for Tender of the PREFORMA Pre-Commercial Procurement. This deliverable compiles the content from the following tender documents: the Challenge Brief, which sets forth … Continue reading

D2.1 Overall Roadmap

PREFORMA (PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives) is a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme. The main objective of the project is to give memory institutions full control of the process for testing the … Continue reading