e-AGE 2015: Revealing and Harvesting Knowledge



Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE, is an annual international event organised by the Arab States Research and Education Network, ASREN. This year, the event is being held in Casablanca, Morocco, on 07-08 December 2015, under the title “Revealing and Harvesting Knowledge”
Since its launch in December 2010, at the League of Arab States, it was decided to move every year the forum from one Arab country to another.

e-AGE 2015 is about “Revealing and Harvesting Knowledge”; it offers an Intensive program with rich sessions on various interesting topics:

  • Research collaboration in energy, environment, health, climate, water, agriculture, biology, economy, medicine and other pressing global issues and problems.
  • Perspectives on NRENs, including challenges, operation, sustainability, funding, governance, business models, security and services.
  • Access to research and education resources, repositories, libraries and contents, clouds, grids and HPCs.
  • Connectivity options including technologies, services, cables, circuits and equipment.
  • Internet developments and impact on R&E networks.
  • e-Services like e-Science, e-Government, e-Libraries, e-Learning, e*…
  • Virtual Research Environments, Science Gateways, Federation of Identities, eduroam, eduGAIN …

e-age keynote

e-AGE, which intends to be the launching pad for R&E (Research and Education) connectivity and cooperation, is in line with ASREN’s major objectives, related to creating awareness, promoting R&E collaboration and joint activities and establishing human networks in order to facilitate cooperation among researchers and academicians of the Arab region and the rest of the world. The event brings together stakeholders representing regional e-Infrastructures, R&E networks and National/Regional/International organisations in order to discuss and debate new models of innovation, integration of R&E networks, policies for sustainable development in education, means of knowledge sharing and dissemination, capacity building programmes, region-wide e-infrastructure deployment to tackle today’s issues pertaining climate change, global economy, food, water scarcity, alternative energy and environmental matters.

The forum aims to fulfil the dream of a global e-infrastructure for R&E, based on real life inclusiveness beyond any political protocols.

HomeSlider_eAGE 2015


The e-AGE platform has established itself as an important venue for networking among experts and scientists from all over the world. e-AGE 2015 will keep the focus on Intercontinental Connectivity of the Pan Arab Network. e-Infrastructures now evolving in the Arab region at both national and regional level (in more than 15 Arab countries) created or are creating important National Research and Education Networks (NRENs). At a regional level, ASREN announced the operation by the Arabian Global Educational Open PoP (AGE-OP) in London, carried out in cooperation with GEANT Association; Ankabut announced the operation by the first Arab Global Educational Open Exchange (AGE-OX) in Fujairah, carried out in cooperation with Internet2.

It is now time for e-AGE 2015 to pay more attention to users, applications, services and involvement of stakeholders in development of R&E services fostering growth and knowledge sharing. The forum, providing several sessions, panels, meetings and workshops, will be an important occasion for exchange and debate. During the conference, attendees will have moreover the possibility to personally test existing applications and services.

Following on the success of e-AGE in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, e-AGE 2015 will include events, workshops and meetings focusing on:

  • 8th Event on Euro-Mediterranean e-Infrastructure
  • 5th annual meeting of ASREN
  • AROQA 7th Annual Conference
  • EUMEDCONNECT3 and AfricaConnect2 Project Meetings
  • Technical Workshops on R&E networking on Clouds, Science Gateways and more



English will be the event language; the opening ceremony will be in Arabic and English.



Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) is the association of the Arab region National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), as well as their strategic partners. It aims to implement, manage and extend sustainable Pan-Arab e-Infrastructures dedicated to Research and Education communities and to boost scientific research and cooperation in member countries, through the provision of world-class e-infrastructures and e-services.
The goal is to connect institutions in Arabia and worldwide through high-speed data-communications networks. Such networks will enable sharing of and access to a variety of research services and applications in addition to utilisation of highly sophisticated and technologically advanced computing resources, available only to very few institutions in the world. ASREN aims to foster pan-Arab collaborative research and education projects and activities and to promote scientific research, innovation and education across the Arab region.



For further info visit asrenorg.net/eage2015


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