A joint creative workshop about digital photography


In the context of EuropeanaPhotography discussion and planning for future sustainability actions, and in preparation for the Europeana Space pilot on Photography, a brainstorm session was held on May 27th 2014 in Leuven on the topic “non-IPR based business models for high-end photographical heritage“.

Guided by prof. Fred Truyen in his double role of EuropeanaPhotography coordinator and Europeana Space pilot leader, the participants met in the Museum room of the Faculty of Arts, Mgr. Sencie Institute (MSI) of KU Leuven. During this full day dedicated to explore innovative ways of developing creative re-use of digital photographs, the participants exchanged ideas and proposals, in a very productive discussion that allowed once again the public institutions and private enterprises to find a dialogue. The brainstorming itself was facilitated by partner iMinds.


some of the participants: Bruno Vandermeulen (KU Leuven), Frederik Temmermans (iMinds), Roxanne Wyns (LIBIS – KU Leuven), Frank Golomb (United Archives)


The main idea of the session was to explore, now that many of the museal photographical heritage contents are gradually entering a status of “out-of-copyright” , how new, service-oriented business models can generate new income streams that allow for sustaining the care of this cultural heritage. Platforms such as Europeana and social media offer possibilities to engage new target groups, or existing target groups differently. But it is also crucial to explore whether current digitization methods, state-of-the-art visualization technologies (such as using 3D technologies to render 2D objects or multispectral analysis) and new print materials and distribution channels can have promising leads.


brainstorming session

During the brainstorming session, 6 topics where addressed and discussed: 2D and 3D Print; Crowdsourcing; Reuse; Visualization; Services; Interaction. This joint workshop is just a first step in a close cooperation between the two projects, EuropeanaPhotography and Europeana Space, and a concrete action for searching new business opportunities involving digital cultural heritage.


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