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- Call for papers, deadline15th September - event to take place at the FernUniversität in Hagen 23 – 24 November 2023
- REACH-CULTURE POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- #participateinculture 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage Best Practices Budapest call for papers Charles University citizen participation civic engagement Conference and events conferences and events COURAGE project Coventry University cultural heritage cultural participation digital preservation Eötvös Loránd University EU projects Europa Nostra European citizens European Commission European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation EYCH H2020 Horizon 2020 innovation Institutional Heritage Pilot MEMOLA project MEMOLab migration Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico minority heritage Minority Heritage Pilot participatory approaches participatory approaches to cultural heritage preservation Promoter SRL Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation REACH Final Conference 2020 REACH project resilience Resilient Cultural Heritage and Communities in Europe Roma rural heritage Rural Heritage Pilot Small Towns Heritage Pilot sustainable development UNESCO University of Granada urban heritage workshop
Topic: Reach-culture

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is an intergovernmental process established in 1996 to foster dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe. The initial ASEM Partnership consisted of 15 EU Member States, 7 ASEAN Member States, China, Japan, Korea and the European … Continue reading

The SoPHIA Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment is happy to announce a two-day conference which will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to review interventions in Europe’s urban heritage, through keynotes, thematic sessions, workshops, and artistic interventions. The … Continue reading

MESOC is research and innovation action whose challenge is to develop new perspectives and improved methodologies for capturing the wider societal value of culture, including but also beyond its economic impact, to enhance the potential role of culture as element … Continue reading

OpenHeritage launched a series of online interactive workshops focusing on key aspects of adaptive heritage reuse. The project, which full title is “OpenHeritage: Organizing, Promoting and ENabling HEritage Reuse through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment”, focuses on the creation … Continue reading

From 27 to 30 October 2020, REACH will participate to the virtual exhibition organized in the framework of the Rock Open Knowledge Week, a four days on line event for city officers, policy-makers, urban researchers, cultural actors and civic changemakers. … Continue reading

SOPHIA is a two years project started on January 2020 which aims at proposing a holistic impact assessment model for historical, environmental and cultural heritage in Europe. With the term holistic it understands that the economic, social, environmental and cultural … Continue reading

The 9th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, is organised as a virtual event from today 30 September to 2 October 2020. It brings together local and regional leaders, European and international institutions and some of the … Continue reading

European Research and Innovation Days bring together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond. This event, planned on 22-24 September, is the European Commission’s annual flagship event and … Continue reading

Three events will be organised by museum organisations located in the countries holding the presidency of the Council of the European Union and they will focus on different aspects of social responsibility. The first of them will be held online … Continue reading

Due to the COVID-19 global crisis the Organizing Committee of the HeLLo project (Heritage Energy Living Lab Onsite) final event has come the decision on doing the HeLLo conference fully virtual. The event will be held on September 28 from … Continue reading