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- Call for papers, deadline15th September - event to take place at the FernUniversität in Hagen 23 – 24 November 2023
- REACH-CULTURE POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- #participateinculture 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage Best Practices Budapest call for papers Charles University citizen participation civic engagement Conference and events conferences and events Coventry University cultural heritage cultural participation digital preservation Eötvös Loránd University EU projects Europa Nostra European citizens European Commission European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 EYCH H2020 Horizon 2020 innovation Institutional Heritage Pilot MEMOLA project MEMOLab Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico minority heritage Minority Heritage Pilot Open-Heritage Platform participatory approaches participatory approaches to cultural heritage Prague preservation Promoter SRL Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation REACH project resilience Resilient Cultural Heritage and Communities in Europe Roma Roma cultural heritage rural heritage Rural Heritage Pilot Small Towns Heritage Pilot sustainable development UNESCO University of Granada urban heritage workshop
Topic: Reach-culture

HUB-IN is an EU H2020 project focused on the transformation and regeneration of historic urban areas (HUAs) while preserving their unique cultural and social identity and environment. The project identifies different HUAs: Historic town or city centres Historic areas which … Continue reading

The ROCK project sees historic city centres as laboratories to demonstrate how Cultural Heritage can be an engine of regeneration, sustainable development and economic growth. ROCK approach foresees the systemic and flexible application of a series of role-model practices in … Continue reading

The SoPHIA Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment is happy to announce a two-day conference which will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to review interventions in Europe’s urban heritage, through keynotes, thematic sessions, workshops, and artistic interventions. The … Continue reading

A very intense period for the REACH project the one between the end of October and the beginning of November: 2 on line events provided the occasion to present the results of the REACH project activities and to increase its … Continue reading

Today, place-based mainstream innovation policies in the EU are by large the so-called Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3 or S3 in acronym), which are promoted as an ex-ante conditionality for member states to get access to the … Continue reading

In ROCK- cities believe that cultural heritage is a great tool for urban regeneration and a driver for change. But consequences of lockdown measures and of pandemic situation had a strong impact on cities’ local culture and cultural heritage, communities … Continue reading

SOPHIA is a two years project started on January 2020 which aims at proposing a holistic impact assessment model for historical, environmental and cultural heritage in Europe. With the term holistic it understands that the economic, social, environmental and cultural … Continue reading

The ten ROCK cities – Athens, Bologna, Cluj-Napoca, Eindhoven, Lisbon, Liverpool, Lyon, Skopje, Turin, and Vilnius – developed innovative solutions and demonstrated how heritage and cultural activities have essential importance for keeping the cities alive. Culture and heritage can be … Continue reading

After the annulation of the conference in Bologna, scheduled on 14-15 May, Rock project presents the ROCK Open Knowledge Week, an interactive online experience on the topic: Cultural Heritage as Oxygen in Times of Crisis. The event is aimed at … Continue reading

Authors of both theoretical or empirical research studies are invited to join the workshop devoted to the concept of resilience in general and connected to urban heritage in particular. The idea of the workshop is rooted in the project which … Continue reading