- RELEVANT NEWS from Digitalmeetsculture
- Call for papers, deadline15th September - event to take place at the FernUniversität in Hagen 23 – 24 November 2023
- PREFORMA POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- audiovisual Berlin Brussels call for tender conformance check cultural heritage digital archive digital preservation DPF Manager FFv1 file format validation file formats IPRES MediaArea.net MediaConch open source Open Source Portal open source software PCP PDF/A policy checker PREFORMA standards TIFF VeraPDF
Topic: preforma events

MediaArea and the British Film Institute are pleased to announce the third No Time to Wait conference, a free two-day symposium focused on open media, open standards, and digital audiovisual preservation hosted by the British Film Institute, who are about to begin a 5 year digitisation of obsolete videotape formats, preserving to open formats. Continue reading

iPRES 2018 BOSTON – Where Art and Science Meet – The Art In the Science & The Science In the Art of Digital Preservation – will be co-hosted by MIT Libraries and Harvard Library on September 24-27, 2018. The call for contributions seeks abstracts for papers that tell stories about bridging knowledge gaps in teams, implementing technologies, and overcoming barriers towards proper digital stewarding of digital items, assets, works and collections. Continue reading

On Wednesday, December 13, PACKED and the Royal Library of Belgium, in collaboration with the University of Girona, organise a workshop “Quality Control of TIFF Files”. The workshop is intended for digital archivists who are responsible for the long-term preservation of TIFF files. During the workshop you will learn how to gain an insight into the technical properties of TIFF files and what you can do to preserve them for future generations. The workshop is conceived as a hands-on session, where participants get started with TIFF files from their own collection. Continue reading

Programmed by professionals working in the field, the annual AMIA Conference is the largest gathering of motion picture and recorded sound archivists and interested professionals. More than 550 people from around the world, interested in the preservation and use of moving image materials, meet every year to share information and work together. The 2017 edition of the AMIA Conference will be held on 29 November – 2 December 2017 in New Orleans. Continue reading

On Friday, November 24, PACKED and the Royal Library of Belgium, in collaboration with the Open Preservation Foundation, organise a workshop “Quality Control of PDF Files”. The workshop is intended for digital archivists who are responsible for the long-term preservation of PDF files. During the workshop you will learn how to gain an insight into the technical properties of PDF files and what you can do to preserve them for future generations. The workshop is conceived as a hands-on session, where participants get started with PDF files from their own collection. Continue reading

The University of Padova hosts the kick-off meeting of a new Pre-Commercial Procurement project co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme to address the challenge of implementing good quality standardised file formats for preserving data content in the long term. The main objective of PREFORMA is to give memory institutions full control of the process of the conformity tests of files to be ingested into archives. Continue reading

Since Horizon 2020 foresees €140M of funding opportunities for new PCP and PPI projects that could offer a potential follow-up for new ideas emerging from the current PCP projects, the info day could be of concrete interest to all the project partners in the ongoing PCP projects. Continue reading

The University of Skovde will present PREFORMA during an event organised by OpenForum Academy network to raise an awareness of the project amongst participants and to highlight and discuss the opportunities for small and large companies to become involved in the tender. Continue reading

Representatives from the project will participate at FOSDEM 2014 in Brussels, a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of open source software, in order to promote opportunities for open source development in the context of the PREFORMA project. Continue reading

PREFORMA has been invited to a concertation meeting for ongoing PCP projects organised by the Innovation Unit of the European Commission. Three project representatives will attend the meeting to collect information about good practices and to bring up problems or questions. Continue reading