PREFORMA presented at OFA Event & FOSDEM 2014


Between the end of January and the beginning of February 2014, researchers and practitioners from the PREFORMA project had several extremely interesting discussions at the OFA event and at FOSDEM.



PREFORMA researchers at the OFA-event

At the OFA event (28 February 2014), the University of Skovde presented the PREFORMA project and the reaction was very positive. Several key players in the “open” world now know about the project (including some legal experts on Open Source and public sector procurement). After presenting the general process, very useful informal discussions followed concerning the legal and procurement challenges that PREFORMA is facing.



The PREFORMA project participating in the legal track at FOSDEM.

At FOSDEM 2014, Jonas Gamalielsson, Bert Lemmens and Björn Lundell met Peter Bubestinger, who is working for “Österreichische Mediathek”, Austria’s national A/V archive in the video department. The discussion covered various  challenges related both to Open Source implementations of file formats in the  AV-domain and to requirements from the memory institutions.



Researchers and practitioners from the PREFORMA project discussing challenges for memory institutions related to implementation of file formats at FOSDEM.

A step ahead in the process of Open Dialogue that PREFORMA is fostering between the memory institutions and the technology providers who develop the software, that will lead to the definition of the requirements of the PREFORMA tender.


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