Open ICT Standards for Public Procurement: Fostering Interoperability


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The Scenario

Under Digital Agenda, the European Commission commits itself through Action 23 to provide guidance on the link between ICT Standardisation and Public Procurement in order to help public authorities use standards to promote efficiency and reduce lock-in.

As a matter of fact, using open ICT standards results in:

  • Higher savings when procuring ICT
  • An increased level of competition among suppliers
  • Being compliant with EU Public Procurement directives


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The Workshop

If you are involved somehow in ICT procurement and want to know how other organizations similar to yours are successfully dealing with ICT “lock-in” when procuring their ICT Systems, you are warmly invited to attend the “Open ICT Standards for Public Procurement: Fostering interoperability workshop, taking place in Brussels – at DG CONNECT – on November 13th, 2015.

The Workshop will be a great opportunity to meet MSP members, procurement managers, policymakers and ICT suppliers to discuss how to effectively reduce lock-in by using Open ICT Standards.


Main goals of the event:

  • Present the European Catalogue of ICT technical specification for public procurement and how it will contribute to the Digital Single Market
  • Provide some suggestions on how to reduce lock-in when procuring ICT
  • Share good practice examples on how to procure ICT on the basis of standards.


For further information please visit the Workshop webpage.


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