Topic: europeana-space
A strong group of E-Space partners from different Pilots is at work for developing an integrated outcome for creative reuse of digital cultural heritage: the Pop-Up Museum. Most of the action at the moment is in the hands of partners … Continue reading
The Europeana Network Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an annual key event for Europeana and its network. It provides the opportunity for Europeana and its partners for all to share, discuss and develop specific areas of mutual interest. This … Continue reading
We’re delighted to announce that the 7 winning teams from E-Space Incubation process will be attending the supercool REMIX Summit in London (January 2017), which will give them a great opportunity to network with creative leaders, institutions, brands, potential collaborators … Continue reading
The Open Access Week, running from 24-30 October 2016, is a global annual event that promotes Open Access as the new default in scholarship and research. Joanna Zylinska, coordinator of the Open & Hybrid Publishing Pilot in Europeana Space project, … Continue reading
The annual conference organized by EADTU, the OOFHEC2016 – Online Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference – took place on 19-21 October in Rome. Over the past years, universities have intensified a deeper transformation of teaching and learning in higher education, based … Continue reading
It starts with waves Brainwaves have been used in different and fascinating innovations in the past few years. While they hold big mysteries to themselves, they can be captured using an EEG (electroencephalogram) device. The magnitude of captured information is enormous. In … Continue reading
Upcycle Digital Heritage was jointly organized by The Discovery Programme, CARARE and FABLAB Derry, and the workshop explored some of the challenges and opportunities which are present in reusing digital heritage data, with 4 sections (creative industries, communities, tourism and museums, education) … Continue reading
The universe is made of stories, not of atoms. Muriel Rukeyser, an American poet and political activist, said it right. Our lives are build up from this strange material, that seems to hold everything together. It is through stories that we learn, … Continue reading
We are four art-flirty young women, each one different from the other. We are your companions on an infinite journey through the jungle of Culture. We are Italians, surrounded by Arts, Culture and Beauty and for sure this helped in … Continue reading
Books are utterly intriguing characters. They tell stories, share knowledge, make arguments, and they fondle, poke and jab our feelings. We love reading them because they let us become part of their stories and, in their turn, they become part … Continue reading