Topic: europeana-space

Europeana Space Scenarios: development of Pilots in the six thematic areas

Europeana Space project started its life on February with a successfull kick-off meeting in Leuven. Every Work Packages group are developing initiatives and meetings to discuss about their aims and objectives. On 19th and 20th March, the partners involved in the WP4 had their first meeting in Brussel, hosted at the iMinds – Vrije Universiteit Brussel offices. Continue reading

Does education include?

Perhaps the greatest barrier for dancers with disabilities accessing dance at a Higher Educational (HE) level is the perception that a career in dance is ‘off limits’ to them. Professor of Dance and Director of the Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE) at Coventry University (RICHES’ Partner) Sarah Whatley argues for a change in perceptions for every body dancing. Continue reading