Topic: INCULTUM Local Events

INCULTUM Pilot: Trail mapping work for digitisation of irrigation ditch networks

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). Another participative activity was organised in the framework of INCULTUM Pilot by the Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory (MEMOLab), coordinated by Professor Dr. José María Martín Civantos, from the Department of … Continue reading

Culture Tourism and Social Innovation: The Collective Organisation of the Cultural Experience of our Homeland

>>> press release (text and images provided by The High Mountains SCE). On Saturday, May 21, 2022, the first discussion of the Cultural Associations of Konitsa’s area with our Social Cooperative Enterprise (SCE), “The High Mountains”, took place in the … Continue reading

INCULTUM meets the beautiful territory of Bibracte-Morvan

  End of April 2022, INCULTUM partners Promoter and Bibracte met to discuss about the work ongoing in the Pilot 6 Ancient paths in the future. Morvan is a medium mountain range located in the western part of the administrative region … Continue reading

Meeting with local tour guides, Vjosa valley, Albania

text and images by Egla Serjani, CeRPHAAL At the core of the INCULTUM project are local communities and stakeholders, as the main protagonist, able to improve cultural tourism in the chosen Pilot areas. In the Upper Vjosa valley, amongst the … Continue reading

INCULTUM discovers Algarve and Campina de Faro

End of March 2022, INCULTUM partners Promoter and University of Algarve met to discuss about the work ongoing in the Pilot 2 Agrarian coastal plain: Campina de Faro. Campina de Faro is part of the coastal plain of the Algarve, … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot: Annual cleaning of the Acequia del Barranco de Poqueira

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). On the 2nd and 3rd of April INCULTUM Pilot 1 Atiplano de Granada organized and carried out the annual cleaning of the Acequia del Barranco de Poqueira. There was … Continue reading

Irrigation channel cleaning in Jérez del Marquesado and Cáñar at Altiplano de Granada

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). Following the work for recovering the area that was initiated on Pilot site in January and February, on the 5th of March another fieldwork activity was done in the … Continue reading

INCULTUM pilot in Portugal involves students of the University of Seville in fieldwork

text and images courtesy of University of Algarve. The Portuguese pilot of INCULTUM over the Campina de Faro (Algarve), launched a challenge to professors and students of Architecture at the University of Seville. As part of the Taller de Arquitectura … Continue reading

Recovering abandoned spaces in the rural area near Granada

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). Following the work for recovering the area that was initiated on Pilot site in January, the students of the Rural Public School “SENED” of Jérez del Marquesado were involved … Continue reading

Fieldwork and expected outcomes for INCULTUM Pilot at Grand Site de France Bibracte-Mont Beuvray

All images courtesy of Bibracte. A special session of the “rural tracks working group” was organized on January 24 2022, gathering around 25 local elected and volunteer residents of the 12 villages of the Bibracte – Mont Beuvray Grand Site … Continue reading