Topic: riches

Innovation and Cultural Heritage

Horizon 2020 conference of The European Year of Cultural Heritage 20th March 2018 Royal Museum of Arts and History, Brussels The high-level conference – organised by the European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation, in close cooperation with Directorates … Continue reading

New Horizons for Cultural Heritage

“New Horizons for Cultural Heritage – Recalibrating relationships: bringing cultural heritage and people together in a changing Europe” is the Second Policy Seminar organised by the RICHES project to discuss how the project can provide insights to support evidence-based policymaking in Europe. The seminar comprised political updates by representatives from the European Parliament and the European Commission, the presentation of policy recommendations from the RICHES project and Round Table / World cafè style discussions aimed at providing ‘joined-up’ policy recommendations to be used in the definition of the H2020 work programme for 2018-2020. Continue reading


Friday, 8 April 2016, 9.00-16.00 Brussels, Covent Garden, 9th floor, room 183 (COV2 9.0183) 16, Place Charles Rogier, BE-1210 Brussels This workshop gathered projects on Social Sciences and Humanities that focus on different aspects of cultures and citizenship. Agenda and … Continue reading

CRe-AM final event / ICT & Creative Industries in Europe: current trends and future policies

The event will present CRe-AM’s roadmapping work and results. The day will be divided into two parts to present the main outcomes of the CRe-AM project and to allow networking among participants. The morning plenary session will present roadmaps for each creative … Continue reading

Thinking ahead sustainability – FLAGSHIP Final Conference

The FLAGSHIP final public conference will be held on December 16, 2015, at CEPS premises (Centre for European Policy Studies), Congresplaats 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, with the title of “Thinking ahead sustainably: Policies, Scenarios and Models to address Grand Societal Challenges”. FLAGSHIP is … Continue reading

The human factor in energy transition & security towards 2050 – seminar by MILESECURE project

The International Seminar “THE HUMAN FACTOR IN ENERGY TRANSITION & SECURITY TOWARDS 2050” aims at discussing the above topic, presenting the final results of the EU MILESECURE-2050 project. The project work-programme was articulated in three main stages. At the first … Continue reading

RICHES POLICY SEMINAR, Brussels, 19 October 2015

The policies presented by RICHES are related to the need to develop and use a common taxonomy, innovation in copyright frameworks and open access to data and information, and co-creation practices to facilitate innovation in the cultural heritage sector – all with the purpose of overcoming a range of barriers and constraints. The event was preceded in the morning by a Networking Session where invited participants in EC-funded projects discussed aims and achievements in the light of establishing new, profitable collaborations and synergies. Continue reading

SOIMA 2015: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage

What? This is an international conference on ensuring a safe and creative future for sound and image heritage. Twelve national and international institutions are supporting the event. Why? Recorded sound and images have captured our world, our lives and our imagination. Thanks to rapid advancements in social media and information technologies, it has become much easier to share and use sound and image content. Yet contrary to common perception, not all content is readily usable… Continue reading

Beyond 3D Digitisation: Applications of 3D Technology in Cultural Heritage

As a new stage of the Digital Museum Expo, this colloquium and workshop focuses on the impact of 3D digital assets for cultural heritage.  Digitisation of museum objects is not a final stage, but only a start for research, conservation … Continue reading

Tools to Maximise Impact in Digital Cultural Heritage – workshop

The need for greater interaction and engagement with audiences and users is widely understood by those working in the the digital cultural heritage sector. But finding tools to help with this is difficult. This workshop will focus on how you … Continue reading