From https://journees-archeologie.fr/
The European Archaeology Days (JEA) take place every year on the third weekend of June in all member countries of the Council of Europe with the aim of encouraging public authorities and archaeology stakeholders to promote archaeological heritage.
JEA 2022 will be held June 17-19 across Europe coordinated by the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap) under the aegis of the French Ministry of Culture.
The main objectives of the JEA are to:
- raise awareness among European citizens of the richness and cultural diversity of Europe;
- make archaeology more visible to different audiences and the media;
- make the general public and the political authorities aware of the need to protect archaeological heritage;
to enable the public to grasp the mosaic of Europe’s cultures; - attract new audiences who are not accustomed to visiting the places where archaeology is carried out;
- promote to the public the entire archaeology operating chain, “from dig to museum”;
- promote the sharing of knowledge between archaeology professionals and European citizens.
During the 3 days, events will be organized to involve families, schools, students, history enthusiasts and let them discover their archaeological heritage. It will be possible to participate in visits to places not normally open to the public (excavation sites, research centers, archaeological collections…), in meetings with archaeological professionals, as well as participate in a series of activities fun and educational (introduction to excavations, demonstrations, workshops, …).
The European Archaeology Days are based on a digital platform, journees-archeologie.fr, bringing to the attention of the public the multiplicity and diversity of heritage and initiatives relating to archaeology in Europe. On the platform it is possible to know and research all the planned initiatives.
Visit the platform and discover the activities near you!