img. Lorenzo Cafaro, Pixabay
INCULTUM project is pleased to announce its first public event, in the framework of the research conducted based on data analysis. The results of this work are expected to provide insights on how to design effective and sustainable cultural policy and to facilitate the mapping of good practices.
In INCULTUM, different types of data are collected and analysed on various dimensions of cultural tourism, urban and regional development. A wide selection of socio-economic indicators is used for this purpose. The collected data are then analysed in order to convincingly establish the relationship between each of the innovative approaches to urban and regional development and cultural tourism. Econometric approaches are used with a particular focus on identification of causal relationship, as opposed to just a correlation. The project explores also in depth the mechanisms (i.e. the channels) through which an intervention works on development.
The Data Workshop was organized by University of Southern Denmark.
View recordings and presentations: https://incultum.eu/events/data-workshop/
3rd March 2022 h. 9.00 – 12.00 pm CET
The morning session is reserved to project partners only.
During the session data samples sourced from the Pilots will be analysed and discussed with the WP Leader.
3rd March 2022 h. 12.00 – 14.00 pm CET
The afternoon session is open to the public.
Antonella Fresa – INCULTUM Network Coordinator, Promoter S.r.l.
– Introduction to INCULTUM project
Karol Jan Borowiecki – WP Leader, University of Southern Denmark
– Introduction to keynote speakers and chair of the session
Key Note Speakers:
Trilce Navarrete – Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
– Cultural statistics to evidence societal and economic impact
Enrico Bertacchini – University of Torino
– Challenges of data analytics strategies for tourism in peripheral areas