Topic: riches

Workshop on co-creation, distributed performances and alternative content for the big screen

This workshop, co-organised by the Foundation i2CAT, the Government of Catalonia and the Theatre Institute of Barcelona,examined the gradual adoption of technological environments in the performing arts and how the expanding of bandwidth have given rise to new forms of creative expression, space for experimentation and new business models for performing arts, reaching other spaces such as movie screens and cultural institutions with the distribution of high-definition content. Sarah Whatley, dance professor and director of the Centre for Dance Research (C-Dare) at Coventry University intervened as speaker in representation of the European project RICHES. Continue reading

Pisa is approaching and…we start co-creating!

How cultural institutions can renew themselves? How can heritage professionals create the conditions for the visitors to leave the role of observers and instead be active contributors to the development of heritage? How can the consumers become producers of cultural heritage? How can cultural heritage be co-created? RICHES is trying to answer these questions through a series of co-creation sessions. The outcomes of these initiatives will be presented during 5 December’s afternoon programme of the First RICHES International Conference, being held in Pisa, at the Museum of Graphics of Palazzo Lanfranchi (4-5 December 2014). Continue reading

MemorySharing tells the History through your stories

MemorySharing is a project which aims to create a new way for increasing the value of a community’s memories and private documents, by combining web technologies, scientific accuracy and creative approach in the multimedia sharing/telling of contents. Its main objective is to connect generations, actively engaging aged and young people. MemorySharing is a project by the cultural association Acquario della Memoria, whose essential aim is to experiment effective and innovative ways of transmitting the value of past’s memories. Continue reading