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- 2 hours workshop to discuss about citizen science in (digital) cultural heritage and education, also including a special co-creation activitythe Study report provides a review and analysis of practices in higher education that involved citizen to participate in cultural heritage research
Topic: europeforculture news

EUreka3D project was presented at the Spanish Presidency Europeana Conference back in October the 17th 2023, by project coordinator Antonella Fresa. The conference fostered a multidisciplinary dialogue on 3D capacity building for the cultural heritage sector, in order to promote … Continue reading

A ceremony and an exhibition on 6-7 February 2020 at the House of European History in Brussels marked the “formal” conclusion of the WeAre#EuropeForCulture project, financed in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, which realized a series … Continue reading

WeAre#EuropeForCulture is about engaging local communities with cultural heritage, to connect people and histories at local and European level. According to the European Commission guidelines, the project principally addressed teenagers, adults and ageing people, with a particular view in engaging, … Continue reading

WeAre#EuropeForCulture is about engaging communities with cultural heritage, helped by the use of digital technologies. To deliver 10 exhibitions of local cultural heritage in 10 European cities plus an additional one in Leuven as part of the final stages of … Continue reading

WeAre#EuropeForCulture wanted people and citizens of any age and background to meet cultural heritage and interact with it, under the motto “it’s your history too”. It is a stubborn misunderstanding that communities or individuals who do not routinely engage with cultural … Continue reading

WeAre#EuropeForCulture, financed in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, has the objective to realize a series of pop-up exhibitions across 2019 in various European cities, to celebrate the diversity of European cultural heritage and to empower citizens in a more … Continue reading