Topic: INCULTUM Training

Meeting with local tour guides, Vjosa valley, Albania

text and images by Egla Serjani, CeRPHAAL At the core of the INCULTUM project are local communities and stakeholders, as the main protagonist, able to improve cultural tourism in the chosen Pilot areas. In the Upper Vjosa valley, amongst the … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot: meeting with stakeholders in Sweden

text and images courtesy of dr. Sabine Gebert Persson, Associatate professor Uppsala University On April 4, 2022 a total of 18 individuals representing different stakeholders gathered in Torsö (Sweden) to listen to and discuss data collected during the summer of … Continue reading

INCULTUM as part of a master course in tourism at Fondazione Campus Lucca

The master degree Progettazione e Gestione dei Sistemi Turistici Mediterranei is offered at the Fondazione Campus Lucca, a foundation participated by the Universities of Pisa, Pavia and Italian Switzerland, focused on planning and management of mediterranian tourism systems. The master … Continue reading