Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Feb 11 5:14:02 2025 / +0000 GMT

INCULTUM - Methods for collecting and analyzing tourists and visitors

On February 13th, the INCULTUM pilot coordinated by Uppsala University  held a training session on methods for collecting and analyzing tourists and visitors. The session was held in Uppsala with 15 participants ranging from employees within three different municipalities, place developers, outdoor recreation strategists, and interest organization.

During four hours the participants learned about the method that was co-developed by the INCULTUM pilot and Öregrund to understand visitor engagement and behavior. The session was an interactive learning session where the participants also had the opportunity to test the GPS loggers and what the results can look like and how they can be analyzed.

The training session was intended to develop the participants' competencies to facilitate their capabilities to interact and to know what kind of information and data they need that can be delivered. Both place and destination developers (DMOs) and those who are working with GIS data participated in the interactive activities.

The presentation delivered in the session is available in Swedish (PDF).