Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Feb 14 4:17:01 2025 / +0000 GMT

UNCHARTED at WEAVE final conference


WEAVE – Widen European Access to cultural communities Via Europeana is a 2-years project funded by the CEF Programme of the EU.

Member of the UNCHARTED community since 2021, it supports Europeana about widen European access to intangible cultural heritage and the heritage of minority cultural communities.

Last 16 September its final conference “Weaving digital culture: tangible and intangible heritage, cultural communities and the digital transformation” took place in Girona to explore the connections between tangible and intangible heritage, cultural communities and the process of digital transformation of cultural heritage organisations.


Antonella Fresa, director at Promoter and technical coordinator of UNCHARTED, attended the event as speaker with the presentation “Cultural values, identities, participation and local communities” during which she presented the UNCHARTED project.


Conference details, full video of the event and presentations are available at