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Export date: Tue Feb 11 12:13:30 2025 / +0000 GMT

Recovering train routes and linking trails in the Sicilian Inland

The INCULTUM Pilot set in Sicily is coordinated by the GAL Elimos, and is focused on establishing collaborations with local municipalities in the Trapani province, specifically Calatafimi-Segesta, Custonaci and Buseto Palizzolo. One of the scopes is to develop territorial promotion and especially to enhance the islamic heritage in the territory of Mounts of Trapani. Now the GAL Elimos is extending activities also in neighbour areas, and specifically supporting a project of recovering historical train routes among villages such as the trails “Kaggera-Vita-Salemi”, “Salemi-Santa Ninfa” and “Castelvetrano-San Carlo Burgio".

These routes have a huge potential in linking the smaller train infrastructures of the area to other existing routes such as cycle lanes, foot lanes and horse lanes, which all pass across the territory and link architectural and historical heritage sites.

This "Greenway" project also intends to create synergies and cooperation with various stakeholders operating in the area such as hostels, B&B, slow food tasting and restaurants, and all the other tourism activities in the territory.

The effort on establing the new "Greenway" complements the work already done in INCULTUM and is sustained with local projects that support investments on infrastructures.

Learn more about INCULTUM Pilot in Sicily

All photographs in this post courtesy of Promoter s.r.l