Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Feb 18 10:44:57 2025 / +0000 GMT

New liaison between UNCHARTED project and Net4Society International Network

UNCHARTED project has just established a collaboration with Net4Society, the international network of National Contact Points for the Societal Challenge 6 in Horizon 2020.

Net4Society will support the UNCHARTED project in the activity of dissemination and the exchange of knowledge concerning the societal value of culture and the impact of cultural policies in Europe. In the next release of its newsletter, it will dedicated a short space to UNCHARTED and to the first outputs of its research activity.

The network was founded in 2008 during the 7th European Research Framework Programme (FP7, 2007-2013) as the network of National Contact Points (set up to guide researchers in their quest for securing EU funding) for Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities.

Currently it is the network of NCPs for Challenge 6 "Europe in a changing world: inclusive, innovative and reflective societies" in Horizon 2020 and includes more than 80 European and International National Contact Points of over 50 countries.

Its aim is to support the successful integration of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) throughout Horizon 2020 and to increase the visibility of SSH research as well as the topics of Societal Challenge 6 and their impact on society and the European Research Area:

  • It supports networking among SSH researchers and helps with the drafting of proposals.

  • It promotes successful integration of SSH research throughout Horizon 2020.

  • It fosters visibility of SSH research and awareness of societal impact.

  • It improves the quality of NCP services for Societal Challenge 6.

Further informations:
Showcase of Net4society on UNCHARTED website
Net4society website