Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Feb 11 6:07:18 2025 / +0000 GMT

New collaborations of SECreTour in Basel

The SECreTour project has established new collaborations with the University of Basel and Virtual Culture GmbH.


The Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary institution of the University of Basel. Its task is to coordinate and promote research, teaching and infrastructure for digitisation in the humanities and social sciences. It is also a central institution in Switzerland for the theory and practice of the digital humanities and offers a Master's programme and a Doctorate in Digital Humanities.



Virtual Culture GmbH offers digital sustainable strategies, capturing, FAIR and interoperable database, and much more.
It provides a network of experts and institutions and promotes young talents.




SECreTour is seeking collaborations also with individual experts.

Prof. Dr. Peter Fornaro has joined the SECreTour Network of Common Interest. Peter is expert in Imaging and Digital Preservation and Head of Research Projects and Digital Humanities Lab at University of Basel.

Follow us online also on the SECreTour project's website.