Digital meets Culture
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Linked Heritage plenary meeting in Dublin

LinkedHeritageThe Linked Heritage project (a 30 months Best Practice Network project founded by the EC) now draws to the end of its life and in Dublin the partners will have the possibility to discuss the latest commitments in view of the expiration (September 2013). The consortium includes representatives of all the key stakeholder groups from 20 EU countries, together with Israel and Russia. These include ministries and responsible government agencies, content providers and aggregators, leading research centres, publishers and SMEs.

Irish-Presidency-of-the-Council-of-the-EUOn the June 17th there was the International EU Presidency Conference at Dublin Castle on "Access, Use, Re-use - Unlocking the potential of online cultural content".

This international conference focused on developing new access to online cultural content to support education, cultural tourism, creative industries and to provide creative new ways for people to participate in their cultural heritage. Speakers were drawn from leading international companies in the digital field and from leading experts in the EU research and cultural heritage area. All 27 member states were represented through their Ministries of Culture or national authorities for libraries, museums and archives with additional attendance from key European institutions and associations and all of the main cultural institutions in Ireland, north and south. The conference was funded by the EU Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme Linked Heritage project.

On the June 18th it is planned the Linked Heritage Plenary meeting, which will be the last meeting before the end of the project.


Linked Heritage meeting in Dublin:

Date: 17th – 18th June 2013

Venue: Local Government House & National Museum, Dublin


Tuesday 18th June

09:30-17:30: Linked Heritage Plenary Meeting at Local Government House, Ushers Quay, Dublin

Evening: Walking tour of Dublin

The Agenda of the Linked Heritage Plenary is downloadable here.

Registration, accomodations and more information available here