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Export date: Sat Nov 2 11:55:03 2024 / +0000 GMT

INNOVA - Virtual Archaeology International Network

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The Virtual Archaeology International Network, INNOVA, is composed of Centers, Institutions and Companies in this disciplinary field from more than 20 countries. The main objective of the Network is to promote coordinated researchinnovation and training among all researchers around the world, working in the field of Virtual Archeology, forging closer links between those who develop their work in public institutions and those who do so from the private sector.

Among the numerous objectives that form the mission of the society: research, innovation, development and formation; most of all, INNOVA wishes to create an environment for the international discussion and communication necessary to address and define heritage in the Digital Age. 

INNOVA also offers innovative trasnational training programmes, also accessible online through the SEAV Training Campus.

Further information:

Download the INNOVA NETWORK document (PDF, 3,5 Mb)

Official INNOVA website:

SEAV Training website: