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INCULTUM Pilot: training to students at Uppsala University

text and images courtesy of dr. Sabine Gebert Persson, Associate professor Uppsala University

In the context of INCULTUM Pilot 10 Escape into the archipelago landscape, students of Uppsala University were involved in training actions that follow the work done in the Pilot to collect data relating to visitors behaviour in the area of Swedish Archipelago.

In the university course called GIS2, offered by Marina Toger at the Department of Human Geography of Uppsala University students are examined, among others, through project work, by reusing for various assignements the data collected by the researchers in the Pilot. As a result, one student team analysed data collected in Roslagen, and identified both challenges and opportunities that relate to both the destination and its sustainable development, also suggesting a new tourist route. On April 4th, 2023, the students presented their results at a workshop with different stakeholders in Öregrund.



Earlier in the Spring/Fall semester 2022 Uppsala University jointly with researchers at CBS Copenhagen Business School arranged a Ph.D. course called ”Advanced Spatio-temporal analysis: Methods in understanding tourists' behavior”. Students used data collected in Gotland, Torsö, Roslagen, and Copenhagen, during the course in the practical exercises.

As a result, 3 papers academic weresubmitted to the Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. Additionally, the PhD course developed one collaboration among students from University of Palermo, Italy, and Uppsala University, Sweden. Their analysis has also been submitted to Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.