Digital meets Culture
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"HACK THE AUDIENCE!" event was a success

22002034761_9c2029e110_zOn Monday October 5th 2015, almost 60 heritage professionals gathered in the Waag's Anatomical Theatre in Amsterdam and discussed how co-creation can be applied in the heritage sector to create new stories or new connections with audiences.

The session was organized as part of the EU funded RICHES project, the main objective of which is to reduce the distance between people and culture:  the focus of the afternoon was, therefore, on the audience and what their potential new relationships with heritage institutions might look like, and on how a co-creation approach could potentially drive this process.

Museum representatives delivered their experience and lessons learnt on co-creative projects in museums; while others talked about inclusiveness and non-exclusivity, citizens/visitors participation and involvement, user-generated new heritage and new meanings of collections and other interesting topics.

Photos CC BY-NC-SA courtesy of WAAG, more available here

The experts at this meeting gave a beautiful overview of important, co-creation values, and the various pitfalls encountered while trying to uphold these values, which will be integrated and used in the co-creation part of the upcoming RICHES Resources webiste that is currently under construction, which aims to provide heritage professionals with inspiration about how to implement this in their own work

Read more about the day on the entire WAAG's blogpost here.