Digital meets Culture
Export date: Thu Sep 19 8:12:22 2024 / +0000 GMT

Exhibition “Fragmenta“ by Artist Gianluca Cingolani at Today Art Museum in Beijing

Screenshot_2019-11-06-22-11-55-045_com.tencent.mmGianluca Cingolani is a multidisciplinary artist, working with video, photography, graphic and music.

The exhibition Fragmenta, that opens in Beijing on 16th November, is a journey in Time, a reflection on the concepts of Narration. Fragments, the origin cells, take us in the eternal Time. Achieving and ending the action no longer exists. Fragmenta projects us in the dimension of pure events, which is that of infinite time. An action has always already happened and is always about to happen.

Striding across these different disciplines,Gianluca Cingolani's process of art creation is centered on the technique of digital compositing, through which the work is created layer by layer, integrating, overlapping, manipulating signs, photogtaphic traces, video frames, sounds which are fragments of memories and of ancient knowledges. The result of this interdisciplinary investigation is a dialogue between natural and artificial, figurative and abstract, old and new, in an artistic setting evoking the eternal Time, which is the main theme of the exhibition Fragmenta.  With his digital works Cingolani creates shapes from the void. The images of his photographic works emerge from and leave the two-dimensional perspective, taking on the appearance of objects that decidedly place themselves in space with their corporeality.

The narration in his video creations is built on textures of fabric, organza, tarlatan, cotton, nets, mixed with other textures, plaster, rice paper, evoking the arts of tailoring, carpentry, spinning, which weave and construct the plots of the narratives world offers us.Whether the represented image is immobile or moving is relative.mmexport1573141518684 (002)

What matters is to stop the gaze. Contemplating becomes listening and action, synchronicity. Contemplate, therefore, to see oneself and at the same time to vanish.
