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DiXiT project launched


On 30th September and 1st October in Rome, the kick off meeting of project DiXiT was held at the premises of Sapienza University in Rome.

DiXiT is an international network of high-profile institutions from the public and the private sector that are actively involved in the creation and publication of digital scholarly editions.


Digital scholarly editing represents one of the most important branches of Digital Humanities. Theories, concepts and practices designed for editing in a digital environment have deeply influenced the development of Digital Humanities as a discipline. The achievements shown by recent digital scholarly editions demonstrate some of the potential for innovation in the digital medium including their openness and exploratory nature. These projects have developed a very wide range of editorial products.

DiXiT offers a coordinated training and research programme for 12 early stage researchers and 5 experienced researchers in the multi-disciplinary skills, technologies, theories, and methods of digital scholarly editing.

koeln-smaller-150x150The consortium is composed of important universities as full partners, coordinated by University of Cologne, plus associated partners that provide valuable scientists in charge.

DiXiT is funded under Marie Curie Actions within the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme and runs from September 2013 until August 2017.

Official website:

map of universities