Digital meets Culture
Export date: Thu Jan 23 10:22:46 2025 / +0000 GMT

Craft in the context of cultural heritage

Craft Hub – the craft library, is a 3 years European project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme.

The project focuses on craft in the context of cultural heritage and its continuing relevance in contemporary practice.

The project activities involve investigation and documentation of craft skills and processes, and their different application in creative practice across Europe.

The goals of the project are:

  • create a digital repository in the form of a material library and multi-media content

  • address heritage concerns by exploring and documenting at risk and lost/ recovered craft skills and processes

  • identify cultural/transnational attitudinal differences to craft and to test the emerging repository

The program will be carried on through 42 transnational maker residencies, 305 days of outreach work, 1 festival, 7 exhibitions and 2 conferences.

The maker exchange residencies are a central part of the project. Between March and July 2022 Craft Hub will run a series of 5 day maker exchange residencies hosted by the project partners:

  • Carlow County Council – Ireland

  • UWTSD – Wales

  • Design School Kolding – Denmark

  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Portugal

  • Glasmalerei Peters – Germany

  • Materahub – Italy

Each residency will have a different theme inspired by the local cultural context, craft practices, expertise and techniques.

In order to explore the value of craft as a European cultural and artistic heritage and to underline the importance and the need to preserve skills at risk, the project has also developed the 'talking about craft' podcast series .
Here, podcasts on these topics will be progressively published; episode 1 is currently available where Craft Hub is presented.

Read more about the project at