Digital meets Culture Export date: Sat Feb 15 23:55:43 2025 / +0000 GMT |
Ballade of Women for women’s rightBallade of Women, an interactive installation exploring perspectives on women's rights, was hosted by Palazzo Sansedoni in Siena, as result of an international collaboration between the University of Siena, Interactive Institute Swedish ICT, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena and the Eindhoven University of Technology. The title, which in full says “Ballade of Women - as woman is not sky, she is earth, flesh of earth that wants no war”, quotes a verse by Edoardo Sanguineti of one of the poems that constitute the soundscape of the installation. The installation is a dynamic space constituted by floating and mobile fragments, whose behaviour is influenced by the physical presence of the observer as well as by the virtual presence of online discussion groups debating the themes of the exhibition. The dynamics of the fragments redefines the contours of the three paintings from specific viewpoints in the space. The experience suggests that each of us can contribute to compose a harmonious picture of the complex and controversial world of women's rights, by approaching it and by being confronted with points of view of other people, facing the same topics from different perspectives all over the world. Our presence and our ideas can change the world. Read Patrizia Marti's article and visit her website |