Digital meets Culture
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Xth Annual International Event for Professionals in Cultural Heritage and Advanced Technologies

On the 12-13 November 2013, at the Jerusalem's Van Leer Institute, was held the Xth EVA/MINERVA Annual International Event for Professionals in Cultural Heritage and Advanced Technologies, focused on advanced technologies and the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage through education and training in information and communication technologies (ICT). Scholars from all-over-the-world were invited to share their latest projects with the colleagues with a seven-minutes spot-light.


Present in the Steering Commitee: the National Library of Israel Jerusalem, the Israel State Archive, the Israel Antiquites Authority, the Ministry of Culture and Sports Directorate for Culture, the Department for Museums and Visual Arts, the Department of Public Libraries Israel Film Archive, the Yad Vashem - Holocaust Remembrance Authority, the Council for Public Libraries, the Ministry of Education Israel National Commission for UNESCO, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Division for Scientific and Cultural Agreements, the Forum for Preservation of Multimedia Heritage in Israel, ICOM Israel - the International Council of Museums, MALMAD - Israel Center for Digital Information Services, MEITAL - the Israel Universities Center for Learning Technologies, the Jewish Agency for Israel, Pais Council for Arts and Culture, the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.

EAGLE, the Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy, was presented  at the conference by the Project Coordinator Silvia Orlandi from DigiLab, the newly formed Centre for Research on Digital Arts and Humanities of Rome's Sapienza University.

EAGLE is a Best Practice Network, co-funded by the European Commission, that brings together the most prominent European institutions and archives in the field of Classical Latin and Greek epigraphy, in order to provide Europeana with a comprehensive collection of unique historical sources which constitute a veritable pillar of European culture. EAGLE's important target is developing a single user-friendly portal to the inscriptions of the Ancient World, a massive resource for both the curious and the scholarly.

For more information:

Eagle Project Official Website

Eagle Showcase on Digitalmeetsculture

Download an abstract about Eagle project here